Income Tax Return

Income Tax Returns Melbourne - Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions Melbourne

As a registered Melbourne tax agent, we handle all aspects of income tax returns for businesses and individuals.

Your tax return covers the income year from 1 July to 30 June.

If you need to complete a tax return you must lodge it or engage with a tax agent, by 31 October. Even if your income is a lot less this year, it’s worth lodging a return to see if you’re due a refund. We’re here to help you get the most out of what you earn.

Some of the most common types of income that must be declared include:

  • employment income
  • government payments
  • super pensions and annuities
  • investment income (including interest, dividends, rent and capital gains)
  • income from the sharing economy (for example Uber or Airbnb)
  • compensation and insurance payments
  • foreign income

We’ll help you get the most from your investments and ensure that you pay the right amount for your taxes.

Tax deductions can help to reduce your taxable income.

Depending on the type of job you do or the type of business you run will depend on what you can claim.

Work related expenses – you may be able to claim things like

  • Car & Vehicle expenses
  • Travel Expenses
  • Clothing & Uniforms
  • Self Education
  • Tools & Equipment
  • Working from home
  • Union Fees

We understand that filing taxes can be complicated and frustrating, which is why we offer an affordable, convenient service for income tax return preparation.

Contact MTAS to book in an appointment for your Income Tax Return this year.