TAX Planning in 2024


Maximizing Returns: The Importance of Tax Planning in 2024 for your Small Business


Tax planning is a crucial aspect of financial management for small businesses in Australia. As the fiscal landscape evolves, staying ahead of the curve with strategic tax planning can make a substantial difference in your bottom line. At Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions, we understand that proactive tax planning isn’t just about compliance; it’s about maximizing opportunities to save and optimize your financial position. In this blog, we explore the significance of tax planning in 2024 for small businesses and highlight some effective strategies to minimize your tax liabilities.


The Australian Tax Scenario for Small Businesses


Australia boasts a robust and complex tax system, with various incentives and deductions available for small businesses. However, navigating this landscape requires careful consideration and professional expertise. Tax planning is not just a year-end activity; it’s an ongoing process that can significantly impact your financial success.

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Strategies for Tax Savings

   1. Strategic Purchases: Motor Vehicles, Plant, and Equipment

Making strategic investments in assets such as motor vehicles, plant, and equipment can provide immediate tax benefits. The Australian government encourages business investment through depreciation allowances and instant asset write-offs. Leveraging these incentives can not only enhance your operational efficiency but also lead to substantial tax savings.

   2. Superannuation Contributions

Allocating more funds to your employees’ superannuation not only helps secure their financial future but also provides a tax advantage for your small business. Contributions to superannuation are generally tax-deductible, allowing you to reduce your taxable income while supporting your team’s long-term financial well-being.

   3. Income Splitting and Dividend Strategies

Carefully planning the distribution of income within your small business structure can be a powerful tax planning tool. By strategically allocating income to family members or shareholders in lower tax brackets, you can minimize your overall tax liability. Additionally, exploring the benefits of franked dividends can enhance your tax efficiency.


Real-Life Example: XYZ Pty Ltd – Maximizing Tax Savings

Background: XYZ Pty Ltd is a small business in Australia with an annual taxable income of $100,000. They operate in the service sector and are looking to optimize their tax position through strategic tax planning.

Scenario Without Tax Planning:

Without any proactive tax planning, XYZ Pty Ltd would be subject to the standard corporate tax rate of 25%, resulting in a tax liability of $25,000 (25% of $100,000).

Tax Planning Strategies Implemented by Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions:


    • XYZ Pty Ltd decides to invest $44,000 (including GST) in multiple new plant and equipment.
    • Instant Asset Write-off: As per government incentives, the entire $40,000 investment can be deducted from the taxable income in the year of purchase as long as no one item is over $20,000
    • XYZ Pty Ltd also gets to claim back an additional $4,000 in the BAS Lodgement


    • XYZ Pty Ltd increases super contributions for the directors by $15,000.
    • Tax Deduction: The additional superannuation contributions are tax deductible, reducing the taxable income.


    • XYZ Pty Ltd explores income splitting strategies among family members or shareholders, optimizing the distribution of income.


Resulting Tax Calculation:


Taxable Income after Deductions:

    • Original Taxable Income: $100,000
    • Plant and Equipment Deduction: -$40,000
    • Superannuation Deduction: -$15,000
    • Adjusted Taxable Income: $45,000


Tax Calculation:

Corporate Tax Rate 25%

Tax Liability: $45,000 x 25% = $11,250.00


Tax Savings:

By implementing these tax planning strategies, XYZ Pty Ltd has saved $13,750 in taxes and $4,000 in GST compared to the scenario without tax planning.


How Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions Can Help

At Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions, we specialize in tailoring tax planning strategies to suit the unique needs of your small business. Our team of experienced accountants understands the intricacies of the Australian tax system and stays abreast of the latest legislative changes.

Our Services Include:

  1. Customized Tax Planning: We work closely with you to understand your small business goals and financial situation, developing personalized tax planning strategies that align with your objectives.
  2. Compliance Assurance: Ensuring that your small business adheres to all tax laws and regulations is our top priority. We provide thorough compliance reviews to identify and address any potential issues.
  3. Year-round Support: Tax planning is not a one-time event; it’s an ongoing process. Our team is available year-round to address your concerns, answer questions, and adapt your strategy to changing circumstances.


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This real-life example demonstrates the tangible benefits of proactive tax planning for small businesses. By strategically utilizing incentives, making strategic investments, and optimizing income distribution, XYZ Pty Ltd was able to significantly reduce its tax liability. At Mobile Tax & Accounting Solutions, we are committed to helping your small business navigate the complexities of the Australian tax landscape while identifying opportunities for savings and growth.


Contact us today to take the first step toward a more tax-efficient and financially secure future for your small business. Reach out to MTAS today.

We’re here to help!